The Beginners Guide To Palmistry

First, decide which is your hand type :
1) Elementary Hand
Strong, broad and course with short fingers and nails, and heavy palms.
2) Square Hand
The palm is square both at the wrist and the base of the fingers. A sturdy hand, with fingers that are held together as broad as they are individually long. Even the tips and nails look square.
3) Spatulate Hand
Shaped like a spatula, as are the figer tips. The palms are usually broad at the wrist or the figers. Usually a large hand with well developed fingers, broadened and flattened at the ends.
4) Philosophical Hand
Quite a broad palm but usually long and angular with long thin fingers and well developed or even prominent joints. The nails are usually kept long.
5) Conic or Artistic Hand
Medium sized flexible hand with a palm that tapers and fingers that are full at the base and taper towards the tips.
6) Psychic Hand
Similar to the Conic hand, but much more frail. The hand is narriow and fragile looking with slender tapering fingers and long nails
7) Mixed Hand
As the name suggests, in general this is the hand that does not fit into any of the other six categories. Even the fingers seem to differ one from the other.
Then read what all this reveals about YOU
1) Elementary Hand
The hands of a manual worker, physical rather than emotional. You are not much of a thinker, but your passions are strong. You can be rather slow and plodding.
2) Square Hand
You are a practical, orderly and sensible person who respects law and order. You are determined and methodical, and everything must have its place. You enjoy a peaceful life and dislike change.
3) Spatulate Hand
You are restless, energetic, ambitious, independent and irritable. You tend to work in fits and starts, finding it difficult to stick to anything.
4) Philosophical Hand Something of a cautious, analytical introvert. You think a lot and like to study strange objects, and mankind (not that there’s much difference) You are silent, secretive, and enjoy mysteries. You quite like to be seen as ‘different.
5) Conic or Artistic Hand
You have flair and sensitivity, and are prone to flashes of insight. You are quick and clever, but bore too easily. You talk well, but only at a superficial level. Changeable, you are easy to influence and to offend.
6) Psychic Hand
A delicate, sensitive, non-physical type. Impractical and dreamy, you are given to fantasies and mysteries. You are gentle, quiet, and appreciate beauty. You are intuitive, but too easily influenced by others.
7) Mixed Hand
Versatile and changeable, erratic but adaptable. You are good at all kinds of things, but not expert at any. You seek new things all the time, and adapt chameleon-like to any situation.