Here is some light entertainment for those who share their lives with cats or dogs.

10 Truths That All Women Could Learn From Dogs:
1) Appreciate the simple things in life like fresh air, long walks, and men.
2) Don’t try to be something you’re not.
3) If he’s having a bad day, sit quietly by him and nuzzle up to him.
4) You can still look pleased to see him, even when he’s drunk.
5) It may sometimes be in your best interests to pay attention and agree.
6) If you are really determined to get at something, dig until you find it.
7) Avoid biting when a warning growl may be all it needs.
8) Don’t let your territory be invaded without letting your displeasure be felt.
9) A bit of a mess won’t kill you.
10) So, what’s so good about cats?